San Luis Colorado Art Coop




Minutes from September 17th, 2023

Attendees: Huberto M., Dana M., Ula B., Susan W., Susan S., Cindy C., Elizabeth O., Nikki K.

  1. Our next event is the upcoming Rio Costilla Studio Tour. Signs will be put up on Friday please let Susan W. know if you're available to help with this. Flyers have been mailed out and more will be distributed this week. Text Susan S. and let her know when you would like to get in to set up.
  2. We have assigned duties to members:
    • Treasurer: Ula
    • Meeting Minutes: Cindy
    • Website: Susan W.
    Our co op dues are $5.00 a month and will be used for our events. You must pay dues in order to participate in events! We have added several new members! It was agreed that Susan Walanski's hosting and work on the Coop Website will count as payment of her dues.
  3. Our next pop up will be on September 30th in front of the coffee shop, at 10:30 - 4:00ish, we are testing out different areas to see which will attract the most business. The last pop up was featured in the paper and we will continue to do these the last Saturday of the month weather permitting!

    The September 30th pop up will coincide with the Grand opening of Jacales Fine Art gallery! This is a great opportunity for us to bring our community together in support of one another!

  4. Event announcement: October 14th- Heritage Center Grand opening! The Co op will discuss details at the next meeting on October 10th.
  5. Meetings going forward will be alternate between Tuesdays at 10:00 and Sundays at 2:00 in order to give everyone an opportunity to attend, please plan on attending one of these at least, each month,in order to make our co op a success!
      October meetings:
    • Tuesday October 10th at 10:00
    • Sunday October 22nd at 2:00
  6. Going forward the co op has committed to develop ways to support the community.
  7. Event: we will begin to discuss the Christmas Bazzar.




San Luis Colorado Art Coop
San Luis, CO 81152